18/28  =  if you are between the ages of 18 and 28,  come grow with us!

Whether you are in college or well on your way in your career or somewhere in between, join us as we seek Christ first and his kingdom.  


Our goal is to cultivate mature Christian living among young adults. We do this through worshiping together, walking closely in accountable relationships, and joining with our church family in serving each other.

not connected?

We would love for you to find a home in the Harvest church family and 18/28. If you’re a college student at NMC or another school nearby, or if you’re out of college and looking to grow in a Christ-centered environment, we invite you to join us for our church’s main corporate worship service and our 18/28 small group,


Meeting in the Multipurpose room at Harvest

Interested in 18/28?